Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Guardian: Haitians Turn on UN Peacekeepers They Blame for Cholera Outbreak

Port-au-Prince, Carroll In. "Haitians Turn on UN Peacekeepers They Blame for Cholera Outbreak | World News | The Guardian." Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | Guardian.co.uk. 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. .

Click HERE for the article I used to write this

In 2004 UN peacekeepers came as saviors to the wrecked capital of Haiti. 12,000 UN peacekeepers, one of the biggest UN troops ever, kept peace in Haiti, stopping gangs and criminals. But now, they are being blamed for the cholera outbreak in Haiti. The peacekeepers may have brought the disease when they arrived after the series of hurricanes and apocalyptic earthquake. The epidemic that hit has caused over 1,000 deaths, and has infected thousands. The strain appears to be from Asia, and the soldiers from Nepal, a country with the disease, moved into a base in early October near a river. They are thought to have infected the river. All tests made by the UN show this is false accusation, but appeals from epidemiologist and Haitian leaders have been ignored.

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