Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Guardian: Ground Zero Mosque

For me it was very interesting to hear the British side to this issue. We always hear the American version, clouded by our typical views of hate. The British however, look at it just like an observer, not a player. They actually try to find the truth. That's what we should hear; Although, the Guardian may be slightly too "left" for some.

Pilkington, Ed. "Park51 Drawings Prove How Far 'Ground Zero Mosque' Claims Are from Truth | World News | The Guardian." The Guardian. Web. 08 Oct. 2010. .

Click Here for the Article


The proposed scheme for the "Ground Zero Mosque" is neither a mosque nor at ground zero. It is, though, a Multi faith Community Center with an Islamic prayer area. The design is actually quite modern and has "Cutting edge design." It has a lattice pattern on the front which creates multiple geometric figures, these figures are often found in the Muslim faith, but you can clearly see the Star Of David in the lattice work also. Sharif el-Gamal, the developer of the $120 million dollar building told the Associated Press that nearly a quarter of the buildings space will be devoted to a sports and fitness center, and also childcare, a restaurant, exhibition space, a memorial, and a spa. Gamal apologizes about the way things had been done. He states that, "I would have done things a lot differently during this process if I understood what we were up against." He also stated, "Our identity has been stolen from us (Muslims). It has been stolen by extremists."

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