Sunday, September 26, 2010

CIH Project

We will all send an object that shows something about us. Like if you love soccer, you could send a mini soccer ball. If you loved chess, you could send a piece. We will send these items along with individual photos to Ghana. A class will receive these items, and then they will send back their project.

I would like to send a small plastic dog. My whole life I have always had a dog licking my face, and most importantly, being my friend no matter what. I feel as if all my dogs have shed off a part of their undying love, and some of their other amazing qualities, and laid them in side of me. This shapes who I am everyday.

My personal peace statement will be, "Paths to Peace: Creating peace through undying love and friendship."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Self Assesment

1) I expected 8th grade to be a very difficult year. Both socially and academically. I expected there to be more responsibility as a student, and more homework expected to be completed. After being five weeks into school I feel as if I am correct and incorrect at the same time. I expected there to be more responsibility, this is true. In eighth grade we are expected to be good role models for the sevies, we have more pressure to do even better on speeches and other assignments. This is a good thing, that we are able to be pushed. When I thought there would be more homework, I was incorrect. We have a pretty consistent amount of homework that I feel as if has not increased (maybe slightly) this year. Socially it is the same scene, and I feel very comfortable this year.

2) Yes. Most of my old friends are still my friends this year. The eighth graders I was friends with last year I still see at carpool, etc. Being an eighth grader is somewhat easier related to social things. The sevies aren't as scary as the eighth graders last year, which makes everything slightly better. I am also friends with a lot of seventh graders in our class and out of class. I am having a good year so far and I am excited for the rest of the year.

3) Last year I tried to be a leader, but it is difficult with the superior 8th graders blocking you. This year, however, I feel that being a leader is easier. I have led in small groups, and in class periods so far. It is difficult sometimes though with the other eighth graders who compete to be a better leader than you. Otherwise, it is very easy to help others by leading them.

4) This year I would like to learn multiple things. I would like to learn to be more organized. I have tried to keep a binder and other organizational methods, but by the end of the year I end up stuffing papers in my backpack. I also want to learn how to write even better. Last year we learned extensively how to write very well, but I want to add on to that skill so that in high school I will not have to work so hard at it. I want to have better grammatical skills, because in high school they don't teach this. I want to have my grammar skills tightened up before high school so that I wont be penalized, or have to work too hard at this.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Children Inspiring Hope

1) This week we were introduced to our year long service project. "Children Inspiring Hope" will connect us to a classroom or classrooms in Ghana. We will share projects of peace that will create bonds of friendship. Amy and Mimi from "Children inspiring Hope" came into our classroom and gave us a presentation on what we would be doing. They showed us multiple pictures and videos. We also had a good discussion about what we would do for our project. Click here for the main website.

2) "Peace-Noun: a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relationships." When I think of peace, I think of friendship. I think of people all over the globe, no matter their differences coming together. When i think of peace, I think of holding hands with those all over the world. I think of love and compassion. But mainly, I think of joy. The smiles written like a signature on the faces of everyone.

3) The subject for our project is "Paths to Peace: Creating Peace Through ______." You fill in the blank. Which ways are you interested in promoting peace? Music, poetry, service, fellowship, and artwork. I think that we need to create our path to peace with our own hands. It needs to be something that our friends can hold. Something that they can always have with them. A bracelet, a pocket token, a painting, even a index card with a picture and information on it would be something that would never fade. A song, could not be played for them always. A movie, is even harder to play. We have to create something that will never fade away to create peace.

4) Like I said in point 3, we need to make something tangible. A token of peace that will never fade to dust, which will fade to memory, which will fade to legend, which will fall. I think that a bracelet, or a painting would be good. A poem on thick paper, with artwork around it would also be a wonderful option.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Getting Started Post!

Welcome to my first post for the Eliot MaGr 2010 blog. This will be a portforlio containing posts for all of my 8th Grade year. All of my classes will be up here, and I will try to stay as organized a possible! Thanks!