Sunday, September 12, 2010

Children Inspiring Hope

1) This week we were introduced to our year long service project. "Children Inspiring Hope" will connect us to a classroom or classrooms in Ghana. We will share projects of peace that will create bonds of friendship. Amy and Mimi from "Children inspiring Hope" came into our classroom and gave us a presentation on what we would be doing. They showed us multiple pictures and videos. We also had a good discussion about what we would do for our project. Click here for the main website.

2) "Peace-Noun: a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relationships." When I think of peace, I think of friendship. I think of people all over the globe, no matter their differences coming together. When i think of peace, I think of holding hands with those all over the world. I think of love and compassion. But mainly, I think of joy. The smiles written like a signature on the faces of everyone.

3) The subject for our project is "Paths to Peace: Creating Peace Through ______." You fill in the blank. Which ways are you interested in promoting peace? Music, poetry, service, fellowship, and artwork. I think that we need to create our path to peace with our own hands. It needs to be something that our friends can hold. Something that they can always have with them. A bracelet, a pocket token, a painting, even a index card with a picture and information on it would be something that would never fade. A song, could not be played for them always. A movie, is even harder to play. We have to create something that will never fade away to create peace.

4) Like I said in point 3, we need to make something tangible. A token of peace that will never fade to dust, which will fade to memory, which will fade to legend, which will fall. I think that a bracelet, or a painting would be good. A poem on thick paper, with artwork around it would also be a wonderful option.

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